I assume you are aware of the book, "Minutes of the Last Meeting," by Gene Fowler, a kind of multi-biography of the so-called "Bundy Drive Group" consisting of W. C. Fields, John Barrymore, artist John Decker, Sadakichi Hartmann, and various others. It might perpetuate aprocrypha about Sadakichi, but is nonetheless amusing and valuable. If you aren't aware of it, this is to commend it to your attention. Thank you for focusing attention on this brilliant and remarkable personage.
Great writeup! I just discovered him while reading the Village (writeup of the history of Greenwich Village) and he has a fascinating story. Your writing made it a very enjoyable read.
Really enjoyed reading this. Excellent.
Thank you for reading!
I assume you are aware of the book, "Minutes of the Last Meeting," by Gene Fowler, a kind of multi-biography of the so-called "Bundy Drive Group" consisting of W. C. Fields, John Barrymore, artist John Decker, Sadakichi Hartmann, and various others. It might perpetuate aprocrypha about Sadakichi, but is nonetheless amusing and valuable. If you aren't aware of it, this is to commend it to your attention. Thank you for focusing attention on this brilliant and remarkable personage.
Great writeup! I just discovered him while reading the Village (writeup of the history of Greenwich Village) and he has a fascinating story. Your writing made it a very enjoyable read.