Terrific unknown information for me ... Thanks for your dedicated research Katie... So glad I saw you at Los Angeles Chinese museum dedication for AMW. The beat goes on... Victor. Panay Island Philippines.
Thank you also for sharing something about another author's work and giving us a glimpse of another really intriguing life story! Very interesting to find out how Merle had been able to "pass," and all the pressures placed upon her by Hollywood studios and then reactions from people within her community.
Terrific unknown information for me ... Thanks for your dedicated research Katie... So glad I saw you at Los Angeles Chinese museum dedication for AMW. The beat goes on... Victor. Panay Island Philippines.
Thank you also for sharing something about another author's work and giving us a glimpse of another really intriguing life story! Very interesting to find out how Merle had been able to "pass," and all the pressures placed upon her by Hollywood studios and then reactions from people within her community.